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A Wise Woman eBook & *BONUS WW Homework eBook

Is your life built on the Rock or on Sinking Sand?

Since founding Restore Ministries International, an online ministry for women, Erin Thiele has touched the hearts of thousands of women around the world. Her love for the Lord, and her dedication to follow the uncompromised Word of God, is evident to all who have read her books, have met her, or have known her personally.

Where have you built your life? Jesus told us that only the lives built on Him, the Rock, will stand when the rains come, not if they come in the form of a sickness or death in your family, financial troubles, or your husband leaving you.

It is our hope that you, through reading this book, will choose to put away the ways of the world and come to know the Lord in a more intimate way by seeking and trusting Him alone in every aspect of your life. Where have you built your life?

A Wise Woman workbook—so much help and hope!”

Michelle in Wisconsin

“I found this book thoroughly amazing because I finally got to see the mistakes I was making. This book is a must for every woman after the Restore Your Marriage book. Praise God I am now restored AFTER our divorce!”

Hilary in South Africa

“I recommend this book to anyone who is married or who ever wants to be married. It helped me learn how to be a godly wife. So many of the principles can be applied to all of our relationships, not just our marriage. The biblical principles in it were new to me because I had been so diluted by the ways of the world.”

Stephanie in Kansas


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AFR | Deur die Woord Van Hulle Getuienis (WOT1 Afrikaans Edition) eBook

En hulle het hom oorwin deur die bloed van die Lam en deur die woord van hulle getuienis, en hulle het tot die dood toe hulle lewe nie liefgehad nie” —Die Openbaring 12:11

Die getuienisse in hierdie KRAGTIGE boek is gevul met wonderwerke van vroue wat God op Sy Woord geneem het en geglo het dat “niks vir God onmoontlik is nie!” Diegene wat die wonderwerk van ‘n herstelde huwelik gehad het, het verskeie dinge in gemeen. Almal het “hulself in die Here verlustig” en Hy het vir hulle die “begeertes van hul hart gegee.” Hulle het almal “teen hoop op hoop geglo” toe hul situasies hopeloos gelyk het.

Hulle het almal “die goeie stryd gestry” en die “wedloop voleindig.” Almal het geweier om in “die vlees” te stry, maar het gekies om “in die gees” te stry. Al hulle vertroue was “op die Here,” want hulle vertroue “was die Here.” Hulle was almal lief vir hulle eggenote (wat dalk ontrou was), want hulle het geweet “liefde vergaan nie.”

Restore Ministries is gestig en bestaan om almal te help wat vertel is dat hul situasies HOPELOOS is. Hier is die BEWYS dat God in staat is om enige huwelik te herstel - ja, selfs JOUNE!

“Nadat ek al die getuienisse van herstelde huwelike begin lees het, het ek besluit: ‘ek kan dit doen!’ God het skielik beweeg. Nadat ons twee en twintig dae uitmekaar was, met ‘n egskeiding aanhangig gemaak en hangende, het God my man teruggebring in my lewe!! Vertrou op God – alle dinge is moontlik!”

Susan, Herstel in Louisiana

“Ek was geseën, aangemoedig en beïndruk deur ander wat dit ‘deurgemaak’ het. So, geniet die reis terwyl jy al die getuienisse lees en GLO dat jy gou jou wonderwerk storie sal sien!”

Virgie, Herstel in Kalifornië

“Toe ek die getuienis, ‘Herstel in
Alabama’ gelees het, het ek gesê dat ek volgende een in Alabama met ‘n herstelde huwelik sal wees, en dit het GEBEUR!”

Michele, gelukkig Herstel in Alabama


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AFR | My Beminde (MB Afrikaans Edition) eBook

Dag 1: Beminde, kom saam met Hom weg wanneer Hy jou naam in die donker fluister. Soek Hom vroeg terwyl Hy gevind kan word.

Erin Thiele het MEER versoeke vir hierdie boek gehad, van lede van haar Herstel Gemeenskap, as enige ander boek. Sedert die begin van haar Internet ministerie was dit slegs op haar webwerf aangebied, en slegs aan haar lede, maar nou is dit beskikbaar as ‘n boek en joernaal.


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☊ A Wise Woman: Audiobook

Is your life built on the Rock or on Sinking Sand?

Since founding Restore Ministries International, an online ministry for women, Erin Thiele has touched the hearts of thousands of women around the world. Her love for the Lord, and her dedication to follow the uncompromised Word of God, is evident to all who have read her books, have met her, or have known her personally.

Where have you built your life? Jesus told us that only the lives built on Him, the Rock, will stand when the rains come, not if they come in the form of a sickness or death in your family, financial troubles, or your husband leaving you.

It is our hope that you, through reading this book, will choose to put away the ways of the world and come to know the Lord in a more intimate way by seeking and trusting Him alone in every aspect of your life. Where have you built your life?

A Wise Woman workbook—so much help and hope!”

Michelle in Wisconsin

“I found this book thoroughly amazing because I finally got to see the mistakes I was making. This book is a must for every woman after the Restore Your Marriage book. Praise God I am now restored AFTER our divorce!”

Hilary in South Africa

“I recommend this book to anyone who is married or who ever wants to be married. It helped me learn how to be a godly wife. So many of the principles can be applied to all of our relationships, not just our marriage. The biblical principles in it were new to me because I had been so diluted by the ways of the world.”

Stephanie in Kansas


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☊ Be Encouraged Classic: Audio Series

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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☊ Be Encouraged: Audio Series

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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☊ HomeSchooling for Him Audio Course

This is the book that helped countless families discover the purpose of setting their children apart and they began homeschooling for Him. 

We'd suggest you begin by listening to the AUDIO. You can easily listen while you do a mundane task during your day (laundry, dishes or vacuuming), then when He provides time for you to sit down and rest, you can READ the corresponding Chapter. 

After each be sure to stop and ponder— letting the Lord speak to you. Ask Him questions, tell Him how you feel, ask Him what He wants to teach you and take away from what you heard or read in the chapter. 

Then, ask Him to wake you up early one morning, giving you time to pour your heart into your Daily Journal in order to absorb all He has for you—helping you experience Him and LIVING His Abundant Life to the fullest as you continue to HomeGrow your most precious gift—your children.

We recommend asking the Lord to help you listen to the audio sometime during the week and also have a moment to sit down to read a chapter. Then, ask Him to wake you early one morning to Journal. 


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Basics eBook Packet & eVideos

[eBook] How God Will Restore Your Marriage for Men [eBook] By the Word of Their Testimony for Men Be Encouraged eVideos for Men


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Be Encouraged CLASSIC eVideos

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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Be Encouraged CLASSIC eVideos (downloads)

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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Be Encouraged CLASSIC eVideos: Multi Language Subtitles

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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Be Encouraged eVideos

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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Be Encouraged eVideos for Men

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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Be Encouraged Videos (Downloadable)

Erin brings you into her office to minister you alone. Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but WITH God nothing is impossible! Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have no plan. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. I felt energized and in awe what I said; I have never experienced anything like it before. I asked Him to speak a message that would result in restored marriages to all who listened. I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of those praying for me!" Now months later we see time and time again in the restored marriage testimonies the women singing the praise of these videos that brought understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriage being restored. The filming and sound of these videos is first quality. I promise you will not be disappointed with the POWERFUL messages in these videos! Each video is approximately 1 hour long.


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 1): Incredible and Powerful Testimonies of Restored Marriages eBook

Is everyone telling you that your marriage is hopeless? It's not! God is more than able to restore any marriage, yes, even yours! God's Word holds both the Power and the Truth to change your seemingly hopeless situation. "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" — Jeremiah 32:27 It's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, that you are holding this book in your hands. God has heard your cry for help in your marriage struggles and defeats. He predestined this Divine Appointment to give you the hope that you so desperately need right now! "Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You!" — Jeremiah 32:17 If you have been told that without your husband's help your marriage cannot be restored, then you need to read the testimonies of seemingly hopeless marriages that now have been restored in By the Word of Their Testimony — an entire book filled with testimonies of restored marriage that everyone said were hopeless!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 10): Blessings will Come and Overtake You eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read 35 journeys from women that led to their restoration. In one gripping testimony, only two months after she lost her mother and father in a car accident, Alison’s children were taken from her to live with relatives, and suddenly her husband left! Be sure to read how GOD did the impossible, restoring this “seemingly” hopeless marriage. 

You’ll also read Janice’s testimony when she, after seeing another message from the other woman on her husband’s phone, the week she would have celebrated her 10 year anniversary, she screamed, told her whole family and moved back in with my mother. She says at the end of her testimony, “I thought my marriage was hopeless, but with God nothing is impossible. I am now living in a new state, living a new life—don’t stop believing because your blessing is coming quickly!!!” 

Then in “The Other Woman Held my Husband Hostage During My Pregnancy” Alessandra says, she was willing to get a divorce to stop the way she and her husband were living, but while she searched on Google for the types of divorce, she began wondering what God thinks of divorce. Be sure to read how her restoration happened during surgery of all places!! 


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 11): Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving and His Courts with Praise eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read and understand the grace of God exhibited restoring Kristen’s marriage even after she says, “the day after my son turned two. And because I was very proud, when he asked me to leave—I left in a huff— with my son on my hip I slammed the door shouting profanity loud enough for our neighbors to hear!”

Also, you will be able to relate to Olivia’s “Restored in the Middle of the Worldwide Covid-19 Pandemic!” Finally, Kiara shares in her testimony, “I got completely involved with this OM (Other Man) at my own wedding. Immediately, I started to despise, to humiliate my husband. I did everything to embarrass him. What a fool…” 


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 2): No Weapon Formed Against you will Prosper eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read an insightful testimony from the wife whose husband not only restored their marriage but became a minister of men. A heartwarming testimony from a woman whose husband left her when she was pregnant with her third child—and after restoration had two restoration babies!! Another insightful testimony from a woman whose husband divorced her on the recommendation of their Christian counselor after she’d dragged and begged him to go! 

What makes these By the Word of Their Testimony books so beneficial is that each of these women (and men) give the reader encouragement, secrets to what led to their restored marriages.

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 25+ testimonies in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Read each of the 25+ testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 3): Nothing is Impossible With God eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read the heartbreaking testimony from a mother of six children who had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. An insightful testimony and confession of a woman who was sleeping with her ex that prevented their restoration. And another heartbreaking testimony of a minister who was restored and passed away a few years later.

What makes these By the Word of Their Testimony books so beneficial is that each of these women (and men) give the reader encouragement, secrets to what led to their restored marriages.

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 34 testimonies in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Read each of the 34 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 4): Take up your cross and follow Me eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read the amazing testimonies from a woman who had been divorced for three years and hadn’t seen each other for at least two but met at an altar and soon remarried! An insightful testimony of the restoration that led to the bestselling book How God can and will Restore Your Marriage. And the awesome testimony from a pastor whose wife left him and the aftermath of that decision.

What makes these By the Word of Their Testimony books so beneficial is that each of these women (and men) give the reader encouragement, secrets to what led to their restored marriages.

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 48 testimonies in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Read each of the 48 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 5): He will Give You the Desires of Your Heart eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read our most favorite of all our testimony books—many of the amazing testimonies from our own ministers and closest friends. An insightful testimony where both the husband and wife share about their restoration from their own perspective—a hopeless marriage where there was ongoing drugs, alcohol and both were unfaithful. Another testimony that has launched a huge YouTube following that resulted in a ministry that attracts women from around the world. And one of our favorites for women who have never married has been repeated several times due to reading Valierie’s testimony “Married to My Son’s Father.” 

What makes these By the Word of Their Testimony books so beneficial is that each of these women (and men) give the reader encouragement, secrets to what led to their restored marriages.

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 41 testimonies in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Read each of the 41 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 6): Proclaim the Good News to Everyone eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read the heartfelt testimony of a restoration that happened on Christmas day, a heartbreaking account of a woman whose husband was involved with a close neighbor, a house she walked past every day never knowing her husband was inside. Another testimony of a woman who finally agreed to get pregnant, but the day she found out, her husband left her for another woman—then restored during her cesarean when her husband announced, “I'm coming home!"  

What makes these By the Word of Their Testimony books so beneficial is that each of these women (and men) give the reader encouragement, secrets to what led to their restored marriages.

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 35 testimonies in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Read each of the 35 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 7): Take heart! I have Overcome the World eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read the harrowing account of a woman whose husband announced that the other woman was expecting his child, a restoration that occurred when a wife nursed her husband who’d suffered a stroke that almost killed him, and a husband who left his wife after she gave birth to 3 stillborn children—who was blessed with a restored marriage and a new baby daughter! 

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 37 testimonies in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Read each of the 37 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 8): You will have Treasure in Heaven—Come, follow Me eBook

This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, we are blessed to read the testimony that started it all—the testimony of Erin's own parents—who were restored after being separated for 9 years, living the remainder of their lives together, celebrating 59 years together!! A woman who came after “standing” for her marriage for years, but after following RMI principles is now restored! Read all 35 testimonies to be encouraged!

What makes these By the Word of Their Testimony books so beneficial is that each of these women (and men) give the reader encouragement, secrets to what led to their restored marriages.

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 35 testimonies in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Read each of the 35 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!


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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 9): Rest in the Lord and Wait Patiently for Him eBook


This is another chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In this edition, you’ll read the outstanding testimony“I Became Neurotic” Cortney said, “The first most difficult time was when I confessed my sins (including a kiss that a guy gave me at the beginning of our engagement) and ends with “as Erin said, even the cases that everyone judges as hopeless are the very ones that He uses to show His power and glory.” In another chapter “He Was Disgusted With Me” Ruby said, “I blurted out and tried to hurt him by telling my husband about my adultery, not in order to humbly confess...Once I shouted this ‘confession,’ my husband stood up from the couch, packed his bags and left the house.” And still she says at the end of her testimony “To the woman who is reading my testimony, I pray to God that the next testimony is yours and that reading mine right now will help you reach for the life I am living!!! DON'T GIVE UP, EVER, FOR NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!!!” 

In “Everything Changed Once I Had My Own Lover!” Génesis said, “It happened while taking the first Abundant Life course...when I could feel and understand His love. God revealed this to me, when I finally understood how wrong I was and concluded by saying “Today, after being restored for a few months...I did everything wrong... I suffered a lot, until I realized that all things work together for good to those who love God. Over the course of my journey, I lost a lot of weight, and I did absurd things (at first), but God took care of me, sent people who know His power, and gave me this wonderful ministry—which has helped me so much to know Him as the Lover of my soul. Be sure to read all 38 testimonies to be encouraged!


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By the Word of Their Testimony Full Series Packet: eBooks

By the Word of Their Testimony Packet: Complete eBook Series


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Couples: A Wise Man & A Wise Woman: 2 eBooks

Couples Special includes 1 of each A Wise Man & A Wise Woman: 2 eBooks A Savings of $5.00 (a $20.00 value) for just $15.00


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Enter By The Narrow Gate - Home Schooling For Him eBook

Most parents train their children to learn the ways of the world through the public school system; is it any wonder then that most Christian children look and act like every other public school kid? As Christians we are called to train our children, which also includes their education, for Him—JESUS. That means that we should have our goal and our sights forever on the spiritual excellence of each of our children and homeschool them for spiritual growth, NOT for educational excellence. Only then can we claim Matt. 6:33: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” In this challenging and powerful book, you will learn how to base your life and your children’s life (and most importantly, your child’s EDUCATION) by seeking and trusting HIM! “Thus says the LORD, Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the LORD.” “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust is the LORD.” — Jeremiah 17:5, 7 Let’s each trust in the Lord, taking a step of faith, that HE may be glorified as we homeschool our children for Him.


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Erica Kramer: My Restoration Journey eBook

Erica didn't know it just how much she had lost until her marriage was completely over. But even more, she learned of what she never had—Jesus Christ who wanted to radically change her life. Through focusing on Him, Erica would end up gaining so much more than she ever lost. Erica's marriage, her separation, her reconciliation and her salvation are all chronicled in this touching and emotional true story of Erica Kramer— don't miss discovering how she experienced God restoring her marriage and the years that followed. Follow Erica as she tells you her heartfelt story of reluctantly letting go of her earthly husband David and grabbing a hold of her Heavenly Father—finding and discovery the real Jesus. A seven-month fight to win a marriage that was all but lost.


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Everything for Restoration Packet

EVERYTHING for a Woman Packet *All 19 eBOOKS & All of our eVIDEOS & Audios! *As a BONUS * It also includes: Discounted Wholesale priced Paperback COUPONS! Each COUPON takes $30 OFF your '5 Paperback Bundle' 


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Facing Divorce eBook

Dear Beloved Brother or Sister in Christ, Many people have written to our ministry when facing divorce. So many continue to call and write our ministry DESPERATE for help. To be ready to help the masses of people who come, often in a panic, I have compiled many of our resources together in this book. If you come to something you have read before, read it again. The more you “renew your mind” the more you will replace the lies of the world with the faith in your Lord. The more faith, the more the fear you are experiencing will fade away. And what will remain will be the “peace that passes ALL understanding”! In addition, NEVER skip reading the Scripture verses, even if you do know them by heart. The verses will do something wonderful to your spirit. There is a “washing of water with the word” that will cleanse your mind, soul and spirit. It will put out the fire of fear. Begin by reading this: “By wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established And by knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches.” Prov. 24:3-4 Through this book, I believe that you will gain the wisdom, understanding and knowledge you will need to do “the right thing” and release your attorney. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” Prov. 3:5-6 The wisdom gained by reading this book, ESPECIALLY the Scripture verses, will help you to know “what” to do. The understanding comes AFTER you have obeyed; the knowledge helps you with discernment knowing how to handle the next crisis and how to help guide others...


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Facing Divorce—Again eBook



The Bible says that to find your life you first must lose it— and, *Michele Michaels did just that! ​

It’s women like Michele who have been called to blaze the trails for so many women. In this unique book, which is included in her five-book Abundant Life series, Michele takes us along on a specific valley in her journey. Facing Divorce without fear by embracing the adversity. By following the words of our Savior, who taught us in the Beatitudes not to resist evil, Michele agrees enthusiastically— turning a crisis into a peacefulness that is palpable to the reader.

An inspiration to all of us, without becoming entangled in any legal battle, Michele stationed herself, stood by and watched the salvation of the Lord on her behalf . . . without fear . . . because her Beloved Lord, her Heavenly Husband was and still is with her. Michele has found and is living a life she never dared to dream was possible—she found the abundant life that her Savior died to give her!​

If you follow the principles in this book, which Michele documents, you too will discover a life with your Beloved Bridegroom— becoming His most precious bride not after you die— but in order to Live Life Abundantly. ~ Erin

“Reading this book helped me to no longer fear the divorce my husband filed, but get excited by what God would do. As Michele stated would happen if we embraced it, he immediately dropped the divorce. Now we're like two newlyweds giggling about our first date, and the wonderful future God has planned for us.” ~ Estelle RESTORED in Arizona

“After reading Facing Divorce Again, when my husband approached me, I was no longer afraid and happily agreed enthusiastically, and I signed. After that everything changed. I became His bride and I knew things would eventually change but I was no longer in a hurry. I had no more pain. Victory is certain when the fight is His.” ~ Bealle RESTORED in France

“Reading FDA gave me the confidence to not hire a lawyer to challenge the divorce, God intervened and the lawyer missed the deadline on the day of the hearing and the divorce proceedings were dropped. I discovered the Love of my life in the process, and it’s a fairytale come true!”  ~ Alicia RESTORED in Brazil


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Finding the Abundant Life eBook


“The Bible says that to find your life you first must lose it— and, *Michele Michaels did just that!

It’s women like Michele who have been called to blaze the trails for so many women who find themselves alone, often losing a husband or children or family. In the first of her five book series, Michele takes us along on her journey that didn’t lead to her regaining what she lost—but finding a relationship so strong, so fulfilling and so peaceful that she’s become an inspiration to all of us.

Though her life should have fallen apart, Michele, instead found a life she never dared to dream was possible—she found the abundant life Jesus died to give her!

In this life-changing book, Michele documents the road that led her around the world, literally, but even more—she discovered her life with her Beloved Bridegroom and found that we were meant to be His most precious bride... something she believed (and most of us believe) would happen only after we die.”

“I am grateful for Michele's transparency as her testimonies have resonated so loudly in my life. After coming to the realization that He is more than enough, He restored my husband as the true leader of our family and we are walking out His promise of abundance.” ~ Cierra RESTORED in Kentucky

"Thank-you. Now I know there’s much more to this life He's offered me that I've only scratched the surface of! It makes me hunger and thirst for even more. What I’ve learned will ensure that I don't miss out on the abundant life He has for me!” ~ Donna in Maine

*Healed from deep wounds from childhood molestation and now founder of RMI’s CMH.


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FRA | Comment DIEU Peut et Restaurera Votre Mariage (wRYM French Edition) eBook

Ce n'est pas par hasard que vous tenez ce livre dans vos mains; c’est par Divine Providence. Dieu a entendu votre appel à l’aide, comme il a fait le mien, et il est venu pour vous sauver. Les pages qui suivent vous guiderez comme elles m'ont guidé quand d'autres disait que ma situation était complètement désespérée.

Ce qu'il m'a demandé de faire n'était pas facile, ni il ne sera facile pour vous. Mais si vous voulez un miracle dans votre vie, il peut se produire. Si vous voulez témoignez à d'autres sur la fidélité de Dieu, elle se produira. Si vous voulez vraiment que Dieu reconstitue un mariage qui est désespéré, alors lisez la suite. Dieu peut et reconstituera votre mariage comme il a fait le mien.

La bible indique que "les yeux du seigneur se déplacent en avant et en arrière dans toute la terre qu'il peut fortement soutenir ceux dont le coeur est complètement à lui" (2 Chron. 16:9). Il vous recherchait afin de vous aider. Etes-vous prête ?

Vous aurez besoin d'une obéissance ardente. Vous devez "Entrez par la porte étroite. Car large est la porte, spacieux est le chemin qui mènent à la perdition, et il y en a beaucoup qui entrent par là" (Matt. 7:13- 14). C'est votre choix de prendre la porte étroite maintenant ou de rebrousser chemin.


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FRA | Mon Bien- Aimé (MB French Edition) eBook


Jour 1 : Bien aimé, viens avec Lui lorsqu’Il murmure ton nom dans le noir. Cherche-Le tôt quand Il peut être trouvé.

Erin Thiele a reçu PLUS de demandes pour ce livre, de la part des membres de son Ministère de Restauration, que pour tout autre livre. Depuis le début de son ministère sur internet, il était proposé uniquement sur son site, et uniquement aux membres, mais maintenant il est disponible en livre et journal.

Erin qui est une amoureuse et une adoratrice de Dieu, vous aidera à entrer quotidiennement dans la présence de votre Seigneur et Sauveur, “L’amoureux de votre âme”.

Garder vos yeux sur le Seigneur, savoir vers qui courir lorsque les épreuves vous frappent, apprendre à vraiment adorer, guérir en s’asseyant tranquillement dans Sa présence, et expérimenter Son amour et son plan parfait pour votre vie et votre mariage. C’est juste un petit échantillon de ce que vous expérimenterez en lisant cette ressource indispensable !

Jour 366 : Viens, magnifie le Seigneur avec moi. Ensemble exaltons Son nom. ALLELUIA !

“ Dieu est devenu mon soutien, mon encouragement, mon réconfort et mon ami. Il m'a appris que tout est possible avec Lui. Et si je demeure en Lui et que Ses paroles demeurent en moi, Il me donnera ce que je demande. Il a développé en moi un amour profond pour Sa Parole et l’envie de passer du temps avec Lui. ”

Stephanie, RESTAURÉE dans le Kansas

“ C'est la raison pour laquelle nos relations ont échoué en premier lieu, parce que notre relation avec Jésus doit d'abord être rétablie. ”

Nicole, RESTAURÉE en Allemagne

“ Mon temps avec Lui ne pourra jamais être remplacé. J'ai une relation étroite et intime avec mon créateur, mon sauveur, mon fournisseur, mon protecteur et mon guide permanent. Il est réel ! ”

Joey RESTAURÉE en Californie


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FRA | Se libérer de la mentalité de pauvreté (PM French Edition) eBook

C’est à la fois excitant et gratifiant de voir ce livre devenir enfin une réalité. Michele et moi avons eu une longue et belle amitié pendant des années peu de temps après qu’elle m’ait aidé à éditer et à relire de nos livres du MIR. Notre relation de travail s’est développée en une véritable admiration pour Michele, ce qui a maintenant conduit à l’honneur d’écrire l’avant de son premier roman de la vie réelle.

Vous remarquerez que nous avons donné à Michele la permission d’utiliser des parties des autres livres du MIR ainsi que des témoignages soumis et envoyés à MIR. Ceux-ci confirment ce que Michele dit que je suis certaine vous motivera et vous encouragera à rechercher Dieu pour la sagesse comme elle l’a fait et aussi à faire du Seigneur votre relation la plus prisée et la plus chérie comme elle l’expose tout au long de ce livre incroyable.

Ne lisez pas ce livre une seule fois, assurez-vous que c’est votre choix lorsque vous faites face à un litige pour continuer à avancer sur ce chemin étroit qui mène à la vie—la vie abondante qu’il est mort pour nous donner.

Erin Thiele
Ministère de Restauration Internationale


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FRA | Trouver la Vie Abondante (FAL French Edition) eBook

Cela fait des années que le Mouvement Féministe vole aux femmes leurs rôles légitimes, ainsi que les bénédictions que Dieu a prévus pour elles. Bien que son but fût d’accorder aux femmes les mêmes droits que les hommes, il a eu pour conséquence d’obliger les femmes à devenir des mères célibataires, pourvoyant non seulement à leurs besoins mais souvent, également à ceux de leur compagnon. Les femmes ne se sont pas affranchies des hommes, comme il était prévu, mais bien au contraire, elles sont devenues obsédées par l’idée d'avoir un homme, n’importe lequel et peu importe le prix. Pas de grande surprise car le prophète avait annoncé dans la Bible que des temps comme celui-ci viendraient. Esaïe 4:1, version Louis Segond (LSG) dit: « Et sept femmes saisiront en ce jour un seul homme, et diront : Nous mangerons notre pain, et nous nous vêtirons de nos habits ; Fais-nous seulement porter ton nom ! Enlève notre opprobre ! »

Ce sont des femmes comme *Michele qui ont été appelées à ouvrir la voie à celles qui se retrouveront bientôt seules, sans mari, sans enfants ni famille. Dans cette série de cinq livres, Michele nous fait vivre son voyage au bout duquel elle n’a pas récupéré ce qu’elle a perdu, mais a trouvé une relation si forte, si épanouissante et si paisible, qui fait d'elle une source d'inspiration pour nous toutes.

J’ai utilisé une grande partie de ce que j’ai lu dans son livre – à l’époque où il n’était disponible que pour les femmes de son église – pour aider les femmes dans mon propre ministère. Chacune de nous a besoin de glaner les vérités non dites, la sagesse et la liberté dont Michele a fait l’expérience et a partagé avec nous dans ce livre vivant pour les femmes.

Je suis honorée d’appeler Michele mon amie et c'est ce qu'elle a partagé de façon transparente dans ce livre qui aidera chacune de nous à découvrir comment s’élever au-dessus de chaque situation qu'Il nous appelle à traverser.

Erin Thiele Ministère International de Restauration


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FRA | Vivre la Vie Abondante (LAL French Edition) eBook

Cela fait des années que le Mouvement Féministe vole aux femmes leurs rôles légitimes, ainsi que les bénédictions que Dieu a prévues pour elles. Bien que son but fût d’accorder aux femmes les mêmes droits que les hommes, il a eu pour conséquence d’obliger les femmes à devenir des mères célibataires, pourvoyant non seulement à leurs besoins mais également à ceux de leur compagnon. Les femmes ne se sont pas affranchies des hommes comme prévu tout au contraire, elles sont devenues obsédées par l’idée d’avoir un homme à tout prix, peu importe lequel. Il ne faut se laisser surprendre par ce phénomène, car le prophète a annoncé dans la Bible que des temps comme celui-ci viendrait. Esaïe 4 :1, version Louis Segond (LSG) dit: « Et sept femmes saisiront en ce jour un seul homme, et diront : Nous mangerons notre pain, et nous nous vêtirons de nos habits ; Fais-nous seulement porter ton nom ! Enlève notre opprobre!»

Ce sont des femmes comme Michele qui ont été appelées à ouvrir la voie à celles qui se retrouveront bientôt seules, sans mari, sans enfants ni famille. Dans cette série de cinq livres, Michele nous fait vivre son voyage au bout duquel elle n’a pas récupéré ce qu’elle a perdu, mais a plutôt trouvé une relation si forte, si épanouissante et si paisible, qui fait d’elle une source d’inspiration pour nous toutes.

J’ai utilisé une grande partie de ce que j’ai lu dans son livre – à l’époque où il n’était disponible que pour les femmes de son église – pour aider les femmes dans mon propre ministère. Chacune de nous a besoin de glaner les vérités non dites, la sagesse et la liberté que Michele a vécues et a partagées avec nous dans ce livre dynamique pour les femmes.

Je suis honorée de compter Michele parmi mes amies, et c’est ce qu’elle a partagé de façon transparente dans ce livre qui aidera chacune de nous à découvrir comment s’élever au-dessus de chaque situation qu’Il nous appelle à traverser.

Erin Thiele

Restore Ministries International


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FRA | [eBook] Comment DIEU Peut et Restaurera Votre Mariage (mRYM French Edition)

¡Dónde Usted encontrará amor verdadero por fin!! ¿Está su matrimonio en problemas? ¿Se siente desesperado? ¿O ha terminado en divorcio? Si usted ha estado buscando ayuda, no es por casualidad, ni es por coincidencia, que usted ha venido a este Encouraging Bookstore. Dios ha oído su llanto y le ha conducido personalmente al Encouraging Bookstore de Restauración para darle esperanza, y presentarle el Amor que cambiará su vida. Encouraging Bookstore comenzó ayudando a matrimonios que aparentaban estar sin esperanza y él (Dios) LOS RESTAURÓ! Dios ha oído su clamor pidiendo ayuda. Si usted necesita la ayuda en su hogar, en sus finanzas, o en su matrimonio, él predestinó esta Cita divina para darle la esperanza que usted tan ¡desesperadamente necesita ahora! Sabemos y entendemos por lo que usted está pasando. En RMI tenemos matrimonios restaurados, ¡familias restauradas, y/o finanzas restauradas! No importa qué otros le hayan dicho, su situación sí tiene esperanza! ¡Nosotras sabemos, después de doce años de ministerio, Dios es capaz de restaurar cualquier situación! Dios puede restaurar cualquier matrimonio ¡aún el suyo! Gracias a su misericordia, él ni comienza ni se detiene allí. ¡Nuestro matrimonio fue restaurado después de adulterio y después de un divorcio! ¡Dios es más que capaz de restaurar cada área de su vida si usted se la entrega a él! “Yo soy el Señor, el Dios de todo ser viviente. Nada hay imposible para mí“(Jeremías 32:27). “Tú, Señor, con gran despliegue de poder creaste el cielo y la tierra. Nada hay imposible para ti.” (Jeremías 32:17).


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How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage eBook

Who Else But God Could Restore Your Marriage?

Is everyone telling you that your marriage is hopeless? Erin Thiele will tell you it’s not! After years of ministering, since 1991, God has proven that He is more than able to restore any marriage, especially YOURS! God’s Word holds both the Power and the Truth to change YOUR seemingly hopeless situation? And Erin wrote this book especially for you!

Erin says, “It’s not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, that you are holding this book in your hands. God has heard your cry for help in your marriage struggles and defeats. He predestined this Divine Appointment to give you the hope that you so desperately need right now!

If you have been told that without your hus- band’s help your marriage cannot be restored, then you need to read the testimonies of seem- ingly hopeless marriages that now have been restored in By the Word of Their Testimony— an entire book filled with testimonies of restored marriages that everyone said were hopeless! Today is your day to begin to hope—God is about to change your life!”

“Three months ago I found out my husband was cheat- ing on me. A friend bought me this book and two months later my husband got saved and our marriage was restored!!! Praise God!!!” J.S.

“Using this book as a road map, I am no longer anx- ious and filled with fear. This book has really impacted my life!” C.W.

“As I read the encouraging words in this book it seemed as though God had written them just to me.” D.F.

“I have read this book about six times. I will NEVER stop—it is so good!!” E.W.


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Living the Abundant Life eBook



“The Bible says that to find your life you first must lose it— and, *Michele Michaels did just that!

It’s women like Michele who have been called to blaze the trails for so many women who find themselves alone, often losing a husband or children or family. In the first of her five book series, Michele takes us along on her journey that didn’t lead to her regaining what she lost—but finding a relationship so strong, so fulfilling and so peaceful that she’s become an inspiration to all of us.

Though her life should have fallen apart, Michele, instead found a life she never dared to dream was possible—she found the abundant life Jesus died to give her!

In this life-changing book, Michele documents the road that led her around the world, literally, but even more—she discovered her life with her Beloved Bridegroom and found that we were meant to be His most precious bride... something she believed (and most of us believe) would happen only after we die.”

“I am grateful for Michele's transparency as her testimonies have resonated so loudly in my life. After coming to the realization that He is more than enough, He restored my husband as the true leader of our family and we are walking out His promise of abundance.” ~ Cierra RESTORED in Kentucky

“This is not a self-help book with a checklist of things that will never work in our lives—it invites and teaches us to pursue a relationship with our Heavenly Husband. Problems will always surround us, but when we choose to give it to Him, then we can find joy and peace.” ~ Sara in Turkey

“After reading this book I am now enjoying living the Abundant Life. When I started my Journey, I never thought it would be possible to be happy without my earthly husband. Having found my Heavenly Husband, I know that I can live without anything as long as I have Him!” ~ Yvonne in South Africa


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Moving Mountains eBook


Say to Your Mountain MOVE and it will MOVE for NOTHING will be IMPOSSIBLE to YOU

The Bible says “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another” (Romans 13:8) —and, Michele Michaels took God at His Word!

Michele has been called to blaze the trails for so many women, now in this unique book that is part of her five-book Abundant Life series, she continues to take us along on a most exciting and freeing part of her journey. In a state of financial ruin (after her husband left her with a six-figure mountain of debt in the divorce), rather than feel buried or trying to pay it off, Michele takes God at His Word to “owe no man anything” and trusts her Savior to pay this debt just as He paid the debt for her sins. “Truly I say to you, if you have faith, and do not doubt, you shall not only do what was done . . . but even if you say to this mountain, “Be taken up and cast into the sea,” it shall happen’” (Matt. 21:21).

An inspiration to all of us, Michele stood and watched the salvation of the Lord on her behalf. Within a year of trusting Him, she watched her mountain of debt be cast into the sea—allowing Michele to begin living a greater and much more abundant life that her Savior died to give her!

Follow the principles in this book so you, too, can discover a life with your Beloved Bridegroom— becoming His most precious bride not after you die— but in order that you, too, can Live Life Abundantly. ~ Erin

“Now after reading Moving Mountains I believe that nothing is too hard for God. And once we are able to live in this reality, we will see our mountains move! Brilliant series and a must-read.” ~ Helena RESTORED “My Partner was Everything to Me”

“When I began reading this book, I was always fighting with my ex-husband, this book taught me how to handle those situations God's way, which in turn changed me into a person that my ex wanted to be around.” ~ Beatrix RESTORED “He was on His Way to Find the OW ”

“As I first began the Abundant Life series, I found it hard to know where and how to start my life over. Finally, I simply ask Him—GUIDE ME; lead me; change my heart and mind, so that I desire what You desire! Now everything in my life is a joy!” ~ Louisa RESTORED “Just Days Away from Giving Birth”


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My Beloved Devotional eBook

My Beloved Come Away!

Day 1: Beloved, come away with Him when He whispers your name in the dark. Seek Him early while He may be found.

Erin Thiele has had MORE requests for this book, from members of her Restoration Fellowship, than any other. Since the beginning of her Internet ministry it has been offered only on her website, and only to her members, but now it is available as a book and journal.

Erin, who is a God-lover and God-worshiper, will help you to DAILY come into the pres- ence of your Lord and Savior--the “Lover of Your Soul.”

Keeping your eyes on the Lord, knowing the One to run to when trials hit, learning to really worship, healing while sitting quietly in His presence, and experiencing His love and perfect plan for your life and marriage--this is just a small sample of what you will expe- rience while reading and journaling in this very needed resource!

Day 366: Come, magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together. HALLELUJAH!!

“God became my support, encouragement, comforter, and friend. He taught me that all things are possible with Him, and if I remain in Him and His words remain in me, He will give me what I ask for. He developed in me a deep love for His Word and for spending time with Him.”

Stephanie RESTORED in Kansas

“That is the whole reason our relationships failed in the first place, because our relation- ship with Jesus has to be restored first.”

Nicole RESTORED in Germany

“My time alone with Him can never be replaced. I got an up close and intimate relationship with my Creator, Savior, Provider, Protector and my constant Guide. He is real!!”

Joey* RESTORED in California


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POL | Mądra Kobieta (WW Polish Edition) eBook

Z przemienionym umysłem i planem Pana, będziesz zdolna odbudować swój dom zamiast głupio budować go na piasku. Te z was, którzy siedzą pośród gruzów, ponieważ wasz dom rozpadł się (przez niewierność lub rozwód), naprawdę mają przewagę. Masz motywację, aby rozpocząć budowę teraz, ponieważ w zasadzie nie masz gdzie mieszkać. Właśnie w takiej sytuacji byłam, kiedy zaczynałam pisać książkę dla kobiet. Było to dla mnie bolesne, ale było warte każdej łzy, jaką kiedykolwiek wypłakałam!


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Questions and Answers eBook (How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage)

Erin Thiele spent her first year on the Internet answering questions sent to her former Daily Q&A Column from women who were facing some of the most difficult marital dilemmas. Now the highly acclaimed web column has been published in this book. Learn Scriptural answers and how to apply them to YOUR present or future crisis situation. This book promises to be your constant resource and guide for restoring your marriage. Often controversial and debated, this book will tell you the complete and unhidden truths that not only restored Erin’s marriage, but have helped restore those that clutter their website and fill her books of restored marriage testimonies! Whether you need help in your marriage, or you are trying to help someone else, this book is a must read for anyone involved in marriage restoration!


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Restoration Basics eBooks and eVideos Packet

Restoration Basics Bundle 3 eBooks & eVideos *As a BONUS— Workers@Home eBook $10.00 (a $70.00 value) for just $40


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SLV | MÚDRA ŽENA (A Wise Woman Slovak Edition) eBook

Táto kniha je venovaná môjmu Pánovi a Spasiteľovi Ježišovi Kristovi. Vďaka Ti za to, že si ma nikdy neopustil. Vďaka Ti za to, že si verný svojim prisľúbeniam, najmä Rimanom 8:28: “Ale jedno viem iste: všetko, čokoľvek sa stane, slúži na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha a ktorých si povolal podľa svojho odvekého plánu.”

Mojej prvej dcére Tyler; keď ma Pán Boh tebou požehnal, začala som moju cestu snahy, ako byť zbožnou matkou, dúfajúc, že budem správnym príkladom, ktorý budeš nasledovať. Taktiež mojim dcéram Tare aMacy; hľadajte tichého a pokojného ducha, ktorý je drahocenný v Pánových očiach.

Mojim štyrom synom, Dallasovi, Axelovi, Eastonovi a Cooperovi; starajte sa o ženu, ktorú si vezmete, “lebo kto nájde manželku, nájde poklad a obdrží milosť od Pána′′. Hľadajte ju tak, akoby ste hľadali vzácny poklad, “pretože jej cena je viac ako perly”! Viem, že budem každú moju budúcu dcéru milovať tak, ako milujem vás.

Kapitola 12 a 15 je venovaná mojej mame Grace McGovern, ktorá odišla k Pánovi 10. apríla 2000. Jej príklad, ako milovať všetkých 7 detí “ako požehnanie od Pána”, ma povzbudil v túžbe po deťoch a v dôvere v Pána ohľadom mojej plodnosti. Bola to jej materinská láska, ktorá ma inšpirovala milovať svoje deti. Moja mama mala pravdu – “láska nikdy nezlyhá”!

Všetkým ženám, ktoré prešli cez Obnovené spoločenstvo (Restore Ministries) a pomohli s revíziou, úpravou a korektúrou tejto knihy: moja mama, Jo Hurst, Tammy Sutton, Rachel Floyd, Wendy Bryant, Marylin Danielson a Sarah Buzzard. Ďakujem vám všetkým. Boli ste odpoveďou na naše modlitby.

A nakoniec môjmu manželovi Danovi za to, že sa vrátil domov a stal sa duchovným vodcom našej rodiny a spoločenstva. Každý deň ťa ľúbim viac. 


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SLV | Starostlivá o domácnosť (W@H Slovak Edition) eBook


„A tak nás nauč rátať naše dni, aby sme našli múdrosť srdca.“
—Žalm 90:12

Erin Thiele si našla čas na to, aby do tejto malej knižky spísala metódy a princípy, ktoré zabezpečujú, aby jej život plynul hladko.

S piatimi deťmi, žijúcimi stále doma, domácou výučbou najmladších troch a vedením úspešnej celosvetovej služby, ako osamelá matka, Erin stále dokázala napísať viac ako tucet kníh a množstvo článkov do časopisov, nahrať dvanásť videí, audio knihy a bola motivačnou rečníčkou po celom svete stovkám žien, presne ako si ty!

Sľubujeme, že táto kniha bude tvojím neustálym zdrojom ako zabezpečiť, aby tvoj život plynul hladko: organizovanie a plánovanie času, jedla, neporiadku, upratovania, prania a dokonca aj šitia.

Či už potrebuješ pomoc pri riadení času, ktorý ti Boh dal, alebo jednoduchší spôsob, ako veci urobiť, budeš sa na túto knihu odvolávať znova a znova!

„Táto kniha úplne zmenila môj život.“

Janice z Maine

„Táto kniha je najlepšia kniha, akú som kedy čítala- bez výnimiek!“

Karen z Floridy

„Po prečítaní tejto knihy som sa úplne zbavila neporiadku a upratala svoj dom. Všetko, o čom ostatní dokážu hovoriť, sú tieto zmeny, ktoré sa dejú v mojom živote!“

Janice z Minnesoty

„Kniha Starostlivá o Domácnosť, spolu s každým jedným zdrojom od RMI, mi pomohli porozumieť, kde je moje miesto, pri Pánovi a mojej rodine!“

Candace z Nemecka


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TGL | Ang Wais na Babae (WW Tagalog Edition) eBook

Bilang may bagong pagiisip at ang blueprint ng Panginoon, ngayon ay maitatayo mo ng muli ang iyong tahanan sa halip na may kamangmangan na itayo ito sa gumuguhong buhangin. Para sa inyong nakaupo sa gitna ng kaguluhan dahil ang inyong bahay ay gumuho ng tuluyan (sa pamamagitan ng pagtataksil o paghihiwalay) ay mayroong kalamangan. Kayo ngayon ay may matinding pagnanasa na muling itayo dahil wala na kayong ibang matitirahan. Nandito ako noong aking sinumulan na isulat ang workbook para sa kababaihan. Napakasakit para sa akin, pero sulit ang bawat luhang aking iniyak!


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Lahat ba ay nagsasabi sa iyo na ang iyong buhay may-asawa ay walang pag-asa? Ang Diyos ay makagagawa ng higit sa lahat para mabuo na muli ang iyong buhay may-asawa, lalo na ang SA IYO! Bakit IKAW ay magiging isang bilang sa diborsyo kung ang Salita ng Diyos ang naghahawak ng Kapangyarihan at Katutuhanan na makapagbabago ng IYONG parang walang pag-asang katayuan? Si Erin Thiele ang sumulat ng aklat para sa IYO habang nagpupunyagi siya na mabuo ang kaniyang buhay may-asawa. Iniwan siya ng kaniyang asawa para sa ibang babae at nagtuloy sa diborsyo. Sa kaniyang kawalang pagasa siya ay naghanap ng tulong. Lahat ng mg” bihasa” ay gustong paniwalain siya na ang kaniyang buhay may-asawa ay wala ng pagasa- pagkatapos ay natagpuan niya ang Dakilang Tagapayo at ang Kanyang Salita! Sa kanyang paglalapat ng mga prinsipyo ng Diyos, na isinulat ni Erin dito sa libro na ito, ang kanyang buhay may-asawa ay nabuo na muli at ito ay isang milagro noong 1991! Halika at sumama sa mga babae na naglapat ng mga prinsipyo nitong libro upang magtagumpay at hindi matalunan!


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TGL | Paghahanap ng Masaganang Buhay (FAL Tagalog Edition) eBook

Taon na ang lumipas mula ng nakawin ng Kilusang Pangkababaihan sa mga babae ang kanilang makatarungan na tungkulin at biyayang ipinagkaloob ng Diyos sa paglikha sa kanila. Bagamat ang layunin nito ay makapagbigay sa mga babae ng pantay na karapatan ng kagaya sa mga lalaki, nagdulot ito sa mga kababaihan na tanggapin ang pagiging dalagang ina, na maghandog hindi lamang para sa kanila kundi para sa kanilang mga asawang lalaki. Ang mga kababaihan ay hindi napalaya ang kanilang sarili mula sa mga kalalakihan, kagaya ng nasabi na ito ay magaganap, ang mga babae ay nahumaling na magkaroon ng lalaki, kahit sinong lalaki, sa ano mang paraan. Hindi nakakabigla na ang Propeta sa Bibliya ay sinabing ang araw na ito ay darating. Isaias 4:1 Magandang Balita Biblia (MBBTAG), “Kami na ang bahala sa aming kakainin at isusuot na damit; pakasalan mo lamang kami para mawala ang kahihiyang taglay namin sapagkat kami'y walang asawa!”

Ang mga babaeng katulad ni *Michele ay tinawag upang baybayin ang landas para sa mga kababaihan na di kalaunan ay matatagpuan ang kanilang sariling mag-isa, walang asawa o anak o pamilya. Sa serye ng limang aklat na ito, dadalhin tayo ni Michele sa kanyang paglalakbay na hindi nagdulot sa kanya na maibalik kung ano man ang nawala, bagkus ang makahanap ng relasyong sobrang matatag, sobrang nakasasapat at sobrang mapayapa na naging inspirasyon siya para sa atin.

Karamihan sa nabasa ko sa librong ito, noong ito ay unang ipinamamahagi sa kaniyang simbahan lamang, ay ginamit ko upang tulungan ang mga kababaihan sa aking ministeryo. Bawat isa sa amin ay kailangang gamitin ang mga hindi nabibigkas na katotohanan, karunungan at kalayaan na naranasan ni Michele at ibinahagi niya sa atin sa daynamikong librong pangkababaihanIsang malaking karangalang matawag kong isang kaibigan si Michelle, at sa pamamagitan ng maliwanag na pagbabahagi niya sa atin sa librong ito na makakatulong sa bawat isa sa ating matuklasan kung papaano tayo makakaangat sa bawat sitwasyong tinawag Niyang pagdaanan natin

Erin Thiele Restore Ministries International


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The Poverty Mentality eBook


“For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart” (Matthew 12:34).

So many women seem to fall into what *Michele began realizing was a “Poverty Mentality”—plagued with a warped mindset that solidified the belief, “I can’t afford it” and/or “I’m on a tight budget.” No longer trapped in the mental state of poverty, which has become the accepted norm for single mothers in today’s society, Michele helps us break free from this crippling way of life and live it Abundantly.

In her fourth life-changing book, Michele documents the road that led her breaking free from the poverty mentality, but even more— discovering an Abundant life with her Beloved Bridegroom Who longs to provide for His brides and remove the heavy burden of thinking ourselves impoverished.

“This book helps you trust your Heavenly Husband, break free from worry, and find rest with Him. When you feel like there seems to be no place to go, you’ll discover it’s a good place to be because God is about to step in and bless you.” ~ Amanda in Texas

“This book taught me to trust and wait for my Beloved, never to be discouraged by negative situations. You simply cannot stop reading this book because it is the door to living in the Kingdom of Heaven, which allows us to enter and enjoy a beautiful life in abundance that only He can give us!” ~ Ziva in Peru

“After only the first chapter, I already felt like a bucket of cold water has been dumped over my face:) waking me to a new reality! I am so very excited to see what the rest of the book has in store for me!“ ~ Yvonne in South Africa


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TUR | Evliliğiniz Nasıl Kurtarılır (RYM Türkçe Edition) eBook

TANRI Evliliğinizi Nasıl Kurtaracak

Sizinle Aynı Yollardan Geçmiş bir Kadından


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Workers At Home eBook


"Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”

—Psalm 90:12

Erin Thiele has taken the time to write down in this small book the methods and principles that keep her life running smoothly.

With five children still at home, home-school- ing the youngest three, and heading up a successful worldwide ministry as a single mom, Erin still has been able to squeeze in writing more than a dozen books and numerous maga- zine articles, tape twelve videos and books on tape and has been a motivational speaker around the world to hundreds of women just like you!

We promise that this book will be your constant resource for getting your life to run smoothly: organizing and scheduling your time, meals, clutter, cleaning, laundry, and even sewing.

Whether you need help managing the time God has given you, or an easier way to get things done, you will refer to this book again and again!

“This book totally changed my life.”

Janice in Maine

“This book is the best book
I have ever read—bar none!”

Karen in Florida

“After reading this book
I totally de-cluttered and cleaned my house, and all that anyone can talk about are the changes that are happening in my life!”

Janice in Minnesota

“The ‘Workers@Home’ along with each and every resource from RMI has helped me to see where my place is in the Lord and with my family!”

Candace in Germany


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[eBook] A Wise Man

Your marriage is in trouble for one reason, you built it on sinking sand— the world's opinions—NOT on God's Word! REBUILD your life, your family and your home on the Rock!


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[eBook] By the Word of Their Testimony for Men

Have you been searching for marriage help? It's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, that you are reading this booklet. God has heard your cry for help in your marriage dilemma. He predestined this DIVINE APPOINTMENT to give you the hope that you so desperately need right now! If you have been told that your marriage is hopeless or that without your spouse's help your marriage cannot be restored, then this is the book you need. Read this over and over so you will begin to believe that God is MORE than able to restore ANY marriage, including YOURS! To read MORE the testimonies of those who once had "seemingly" hopeless marriages that are now restored, those that we have received since the printing of this book that we post on our website CLICK HERE. We know and understand what you are going through since WE, and MANY others who have come to our ministry for help, have a restored marriage and family! No matter what others have told you, your marriage is NOT hopeless!! We KNOW, after twelve years of ministry, that God is able to restore ANY marriage, even YOURS!


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[eBook] How God Will Restore Your Marriage for Men

Have you been searching for marriage help? It's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, that you are reading this book. God has heard your cry for help in your marriage dilemma. He predestined this DIVINE APPOINTMENT to give you the hope that you so desperately need right now! If you have been told that your marriage is hopeless or that without your spouse's help your marriage cannot be restored, then this is the book you need, which also includes 47 PAGES of Restored Marriage Testimonies: By the Word of Their Testimony. Read this book and these testimonies over and over so you will begin to believe that God is MORE than able to restore ANY marriage, including YOURS!


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[eBook] My Beloved for Men

Daily Devotional and Journal Coming into the Presence and Love of God - Come Away! “I would not know what to do had I not had the devotional to depend on for spiritual strength every morning. My Beloved has given me strength every day for the past 18 months. I cherish your encouragement that I receive and I appreciate all you are doing for me and countless, helpless women around the world.” Wanda, Grand Turk, Turks Islands “This book was the light in my world to show me what step to take next. I would seek it every morning knowing that God would have a special word to encourage me to get through another day. He would give me love; hear my cries, my requests, and most importantly my praises.God talks all the time if we just take the time to listen.” Laura in California Day 1: Beloved, come away with Him when He whispers your name in the dark. Seek Him early while He may be found. Erin Thiele is a God-lover and God-worshiper. Through this book, she will help you to DAILY come into the presence of your Lord and Savior—the “Lover of Your Soul.She says... Meeting the Lord first thing in the morning is what sets the stage for the rest of your day! It gives you your true focus, which must be the Lord Himself. Living the life of a powerful Christian leader seems like a tall order, but it only takes each of us taking time each and every day to get up and meet with the Lover of our soul, Jesus our Savior. This is the only thing that will bring lasting and life-changing fruits into our lives. We will experience joy, peace, power and purpose. Don’t miss out on an experience that only few ever dare to know. Whether you are rich or poor, fat or thin, smart or slow, a veteran Christian or a babe in Christ—setting time alone with God, the creator of the universe, is available to you! Day 366: Come, magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together. HALLELUJAH!!


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