My Beloved Devotional eBook SKU: 81213

My Beloved Come Away!

Day 1: Beloved, come away with Him when He whispers your name in the dark. Seek Him early while He may be found.

Erin Thiele has had MORE requests for this book, from members of her Restoration Fellowship, than any other. Since the beginning of her Internet ministry it has been offered only on her website, and only to her members, but now it is available as a book and journal.

Erin, who is a God-lover and God-worshiper, will help you to DAILY come into the pres- ence of your Lord and Savior--the “Lover of Your Soul.”

Keeping your eyes on the Lord, knowing the One to run to when trials hit, learning to really worship, healing while sitting quietly in His presence, and experiencing His love and perfect plan for your life and marriage--this is just a small sample of what you will expe- rience while reading and journaling in this very needed resource!

Day 366: Come, magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together. HALLELUJAH!!

“God became my support, encouragement, comforter, and friend. He taught me that all things are possible with Him, and if I remain in Him and His words remain in me, He will give me what I ask for. He developed in me a deep love for His Word and for spending time with Him.”

Stephanie RESTORED in Kansas

“That is the whole reason our relationships failed in the first place, because our relation- ship with Jesus has to be restored first.”

Nicole RESTORED in Germany

“My time alone with Him can never be replaced. I got an up close and intimate relationship with my Creator, Savior, Provider, Protector and my constant Guide. He is real!!”

Joey* RESTORED in California


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